Frequently Asked Questions
In this section you can find frequently asked questions about Cesarean Scar Pregnancies (CSP) and the Cesarean Scar Pregnancy Registry.
Questions About The Registry
What is the purpose of this registry?
Since CSP are so rare, they are difficult to study. There is an urgent need to develop management guidelines. The risks associated with a CSP are not yet well understood. Hence, the CSP-registry has been developed to promote research on CSP.
The CSP-registry collects anonymized data on diagnosis, disease behavior, and management of women with a diagnosed cesarean scar pregnancy. The aim is to better understand the risks associated with this condition and to identify the most effective treatment.
How will doctors record their experience on the database?
The database only collects anonymized data, which will be available on a secure, web-based, data entry system. Doctors will be able to contribute their experiences to this database by answering a series of standardized questions. The registry will be managed by a committee that consists of relevant stakeholders, including those involved in the diagnosis and management of cesarean scar pregnancies.
How will the registry work?
The registry will be managed by a steering committee which consists of the relevant stakeholders, of which all are involved in the diagnosis and management of cesarean scar pregnancies. The registry committee is responsible for determining how and in what form the data will be managed and used.
Who can access the registry?
Only representatives from the participating centers who are nominated, and security cleared can access the registry. Representatives from each center are gained limited access to only the data from their own center. Permission must be sought from the steering committee and granted to gain more detailed access to records beyond individual centers.
Can patients access the registry?
At this stage of the project, there are no plans for patients to access the registry. However, the steering committee is always keen to gather patient feedback. You can do this here: contact@csp-registry.com.
How can medical professionals get on board? (or join? Or submit data?)
The steering committee, which manages the database, will encourage Healthcare professionals to enter data into the registry.
About CSP
What is a Cesarean Scar Pregnancy (CSP)?
In a cesarean scar pregnancy (CSP) the gestational sac implants on top of or within a cesarean scar in women with prior cesarean section1. Cesarean scar pregnancies are an unwanted dangerous clinical entity, a consequence of a previous cesarean delivery2.
What are known risks of cesarean scar pregnancies (CSP)?
Maternal complications arise mostly from severe hemorrhage which can occur as the pregnancy progresses or as a result of treatment.
How are CSP treated?
More than 40 different treatment methods have been described in the literature2. Since there is no agreed upon treatment every obstetrician gynecologist manages cases differently. Some centers terminate a CSP surgically, others minimal invasive or medically. Some clinics also allow women to continue their pregnancy.